Nature Artist Yona Brodeur_Dead Trees in Colorado Landscape Painting
“Dead Trees in Colorado” June 2016

This was painted during the preparation stages for my next world travel adventure. I reflected on greenery as a symbol of love (like the green heart chakra). While there were many things I loved about Colorado, I realized that the love would grow increasingly sparse in the distance, symbolized by the sparsity in the more distant mountain range. And despite being in a valley; the trees of my soul would dry out and die if I stayed there.” Working through this painting was a process of working through the attachments to Colorado (and the US).  

Painting of Dead Trees in Colorado - Pine Beatle Deforestation Art
Detail of dead trees
Yona Unbound_Colorado Nature Artist Mountain Range in the Rockies
Detail of sparse mountain range

Contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of my art.